7 Signs of resilience children and ways to help your child develop it

When children are growing and facing difficult situations like abuse, neglect, or bullying, they need to cope with them. Therefore, resilience is an essential skill that should be taught to children from an early age.

But how would you know that you are raising a resilient child? Read on to learn the seven signs of resilience in children and what you can do to encourage those key characteristics.

Resilience is a mental or emotional strength that helps kids to deal with challenges in their day-to-day lives. It helps them continue doing what they are good at despite difficulties, get back up after failures, and recover from obstacles.

While some signs of resilience children develop naturally, some ways parents can help their child develop it include providing emotional support and encouraging independence.

Vignan, one of the best CBSE schools in Nizampet, Hyderabad, offers some ways that parents can help their children to develop resilience. 

1. Develops healthy relationships

Maintaining healthy relationships helps in creating a social framework that is protective and supportive. This is crucial to leading a happy and healthy life. Resilient children know how to develop everlasting relationships.

What you can do: Show your child how to interact in a better way with family members, friends, teachers, and others.

2. Self-awareness

Being self-aware helps children have a clear idea of their strengths and weaknesses, beliefs, and thoughts. This allows them to perceive things around them differently, improves problem-solving skills, and helps them develop better solutions.

What you can do: Guide your children to find solutions to their problems. Encourage them to follow their passion and ensure that you help build their self-esteem.

3. Displays self-control

The ability to manage emotions helps children stick to the task they are doing despite encountering distractions. Resilient children can manage their feelings and deal with frustrations, which allows them to focus and achieve their goals.

What you can do: Help your children develop the ability to control their impulses and emotions and encourage them to participate in activities that build self-discipline.

4. Accept failures gracefully

Being resilient helps children view failure as a stepping stone to success. This helps them accept their failures, keep a positive attitude, learn from their mistakes and not repeat them, and strive to gain success.

What you can do: Reinforce to them that failure is a part of the learning process. Discuss what went wrong and encourage your children to finetune their strategy and try again.

5. Takes the initiative

Resilient children have a higher level of perception and can analyze a situation from different angles. This gives them a proactive mindset and the ability to take charge during difficult situations. They are also more practical in evaluating things.

What you can do: Motivate your children to not rely on someone to solve their problems. Instead, they can take the lead. Encourage them to ask questions and develop problem-solving abilities.

6. Has a growth mindset

Children with resilience skills will have a growth mindset. Therefore, they are willing to learn new skills, improve their abilities, and take advantage of opportunities. This helps them grow in not only their personal life but also succeed in academics and their professional life.

What you can do: Find out various opportunities to help your child develop their abilities. Make them understand that their skills and talents are not fixed and can work to get better with time.

7. Has a sense of humor

A little bit of humor helps us deal with disappointments and keep our morale high. In addition, a resilient child displays a sense of humor which provides the child with a more socially acceptable way of expressing feelings like frustration and anger.

What you can do: Imagination plays a significant role in helping children look at things differently. So, encourage your child to imagine something funny and watch funny movies to help develop their sense of humor.

Helping kids learn to be persistent and flexible can be difficult. But, with time and patience, you can help them become resilient. Follow the above tips, and you will find a way to mold your children to be capable of taking on every challenge that life throws at them.

Need more tips on a child’s overall development? Keep following Vignan, the top CBSE school in Hyderabad.