TEDxVignanBoTreeSchool – Reversing Mainstream Notions

TEDx events are all about bringing people together to share ideas and inspire change. And that’s exactly what we’ll be doing at our upcoming event at Vignan Bo Tree School. Our theme is “Reversing the mainstream notions” and we’ll be exploring how we can turn some of the traditional ways of thinking on their head. […]
Tips for Making Your Child’s Transition to School Easier

The first day of school can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience for children. The new environment, new classmates, and new teachers can all be a lot to handle. But with some preparation and organization, you can help make the transition smoother for your child. 10 Tips for Making Your Child’s Transition to School Easier […]
6 reasons why children should learn Robotics

In today’s high-tech world, it’s more important than ever for children to learn about science and technology. Robotics is a great way for kids to get interested in these subjects, and it can also teach them valuable skills that they can use in the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Therefore, every parent needs to understand what […]
Important Life Skills To Teach Your Kids At An Early Age

Life skills play an important role in a child’s holistic development. However, most kids don’t learn how to handle real-world situations until they are in high school. Don’t wait until your kids become teens to teach them life skills. Get a quick start on teaching essential life skills to your children right now. But, how? As explained […]
7 Tips that help your child to get more organized

Most children have difficulty with organizing things and time management such as forgetting lunch boxes at school, misplacing books, failing to finish work on time, and so on. Developing good organizational skills in children helps them succeed in school as well as in life. Instilling organization skills in your kid may seem like a hefty task. However, by developing day-to-day routines […]
Women’s day celebrations at Vignan school, Medchal

This year, the annual women’s day celebrations at Vignan school, Medchal were held on March 8th The event was a great success, with many students and staff members participating in the festivities. The celebration began with a speech by the school principal, who spoke about the importance of women’s empowerment and gender equality. This was […]
Benefits of group learning for children

If kids can play in groups and learn important skills like teamwork and leadership, why not study in a group and excel academically? Yes! They can. Because sharing knowledge and encouraging one another to study is the key feature of group studying. Are you one of the parents who are guided by the misconception that children in group studies result in […]